"How can we win when fools can be kings?"

6 years ago, US military general Nathan Forrest Wright staged a coup against the US government, planting himself as the supreme dictator of the country. Samuel, an FBI agent in Wright's fascist government, is tasked with taking down a large rebel network in California centered around a radio show and its host: a man who goes by the name Cydonia—a man whose voice and stories are eerily familiar to Sam. 

Read transcripts of the radio show, observe other records relevant to the investigation, and make choices for Sam as he tries to maintain General Wright's trust while tracking down Cydonia.  Decide if Sam will awaken to the truth or remain ignorant; decide if he will destroy Cydonia or himself.

~~ 20K words ~~

~~ 3 endings ~~

Disclaimer: this game is a work of fiction. It is not meant to be scientifically/politically realistic, nor is it meant to be a serious political commentary. Furthermore, the political views expressed by the characters in this story do not necessarily reflect on the views held by myself or anyone else involved in the making of this game. All the narrators/characters are flawed and unreliable and biased in their own ways. 

(tldr: Just please don't take this too seriously.)

Content warnings: mild profanity/slurs; mentions of war, nuclear weapons, conversion therapy, concentration camps, bullying, and domestic abuse; description of gun violence.


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THIS IS AN INCREDIBLE GAME!!! I enjoyed every minute of playing it! The stuff that's happening in the game really reflects our real world with the fascists and all; it's really well written. Also, I got every ending XD

thank you !! :D